0800 745 283
Next to A1 Takeaway
A medium to high intensity level class packed with energy to provide challenges while offering exercise options for participants to work within their own fitness levels.
Suitable for all participants. Most suitable for those already engaged in a fitness programme or regular physical activity.
Suitable for all participants. Most suitable for those already engaged in a fitness programme or regular physical activity.
A low to medium level class with gentle exercise and stretch routines designed to help you improve your posture & balance and your strength & mobility.
Suitable for all participants including those advancing from Basic Pilates. Also suitable for those who prefer a gentle but challenging workout.Balance Pilates Gentle 1 visit free From $14 per visit with 10 Trip pass
Refresher Pilates 1 visit free From $14 per visit with 10 Trip pass
Lansdowne Pilates 1 visit free From $14 per visit with 10 Trip pass
A low intensity level exercise and stretch class to help improve posture, balance and mobility.
Beginner Plus 1 visit free From $14 per visit with 10 Trip pass
LIVE-STREAMING From $14 per visit with 10 Trip pass
Beginners 1 visit free From $14 per visit with 10 Trip pass
Pilates at Home $75
Yoga classes operate separately from Bodymind Pilates.
For more details please contact:
Karina Gough 021 0820 0132
For more details please contact:
Karina Gough 021 0820 0132